Monday, March 15, 2010

SAVE A SURFACE MINER - SHOOT A TREE HUGGER (spotted on a car on US-119S)

Or, we could band together to destroy the coal companies that are pillaging our homeland, and in so doing, save the mountains that have given both the surface miner and the tree hugger's ancestors clean water to drink, abundant food, and a breathtaking landscape for eons.   Yes, there was life (and happiness) before coal..  What will be left when the strip miner has worked himself out of a job?


  1. You know, I wonder if the inbred imbeciles who put stuff like this on their vehicles are aware that some of us treehuggers shoot back?

  2. Point taken. I have found, however, that name-calling is counter-productive and is best left out of comments. For example, replace "inbred imbeciles" with "people" and you've made a much stronger point.

  3. Point taken. I have found, however, that trying to "play nice" with people who have no intention or interest in doing so doesn't seem to get anywhere, either...

  4. A few years ago in the Klamath National Forests three tree sitters tried to stop a logging sale by sitting in the trees but our county Siskiyou were not as welcoming of the eco-wackos as they are in Southern California and they soon left yes TREE SITTERS AND TREE HUGGERS ARE NOT WELCOME
