Back in December I got the rear addition rebuilt (after completely demolishing the old addition and repairing/leveling the old foundation as mentioned somewhere in an old post). Other than that it's been a slow, slow winter! It was generally too cold to have the kids there with me so I've had a couple of hours in the morning a few days a week to get over there. That's changing rapidly as spring fights its way back to life and hopefully the pace will pick up substantially....What house-time I did have I mostly used to clear out the remaining jungle in the backyard. I got all of the fence-lines completely cleared out (and paid for it with a nasty case of poison ivy the past two weeks), and got a survey which gave us about two feet more back yard! I transplanted a strip of bamboo along the back which I'll soon continue up the side of the backyard and which will hopefully survive and fill out into a nice evergreen privacy screen. I moved my enormous backyard stash of oak flooring into the house from under tarps and have dramatically reduced the overall trashiness of the property which makes me feel much better about life. Here's some photos....
New mud-sill bolted down on newly repaired/leveled foundation...
New joists....
New (old) subfloor...
2x6 wall framing (for extra insulation) and sheathing...
from the outside....
The oak subfloor that I salvaged from the old church last year provided enough wood for me to sheath the entire house - Except for this last wall. So I had to buy three sheets of plywood to finish it off. Amazing how much faster plywood goes up than the diagonal planks! |
More exciting has been the ongoing renovation of our dear camper home. I framed out the walls separating the bedroom and added a curtain. I refinished a moldy old dresser which turned out quite nicely and gives us a good deal more storage. Best of all, I built a matching loft beds for the kids over our bed in the back. Used all salvaged wood and local bamboo for the rails....They love 'em!